Risk Assessments

A fire risk assessment is a legal requirement

First you must carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of your premises. Whether you have an existing fire risk assessment in place or not, we can help. It is essential that you keep the assessment under review and revise it where necessary. It is best practice to ensure your current fire risk assessment is updated periodically to encompass on-going changes in the building structure, relevant persons and other mitigating factors. If you have over five employees, this assessment must be documented.

Under the current fire safety legislation – The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the responsibility for fire safety in non-domestic premised is placed on the ‘Responsible Person’ or person having control of the premises who must make adequate provisions for the fire safety of their employees, visitors and any relevant persons including temporary, paid or unpaid staff. The legislation requires all employers to carry out their own fire risk assessment.

If there are over five employees, this assessment must be documented. 

Are you the ‘Responsible Person’? If you are an owner, landlord or occupier of a business or other non-domestic premises, you’ll be responsible for fire safety.  You’re known as the ‘Responsible Person’.  In Scotland the term the ‘Duty Holder’ might be used, or ‘Appropriate Person’ in Northern Ireland, but they mean the same thing. The ‘Responsible Person’ may be prosecuted if they fail to comply with the law.  As the ‘Responsible Person’ you have a legal responsibility to have a fire risk assessment in place. The assessment needs to be completed by a ‘Competent Person’.

PDFS will ensure that your Fire Risk Assessment is up to date and that you are aware of your responsibilities as a business owner or landlord. We will advise and support you to ensure your business is compliant. For more information please complete the contact form and we will get back to you.